
Important information for spectators.
Read the FAQ.

Race Rules

  • All teams must remain within arms lengh the entire race.
  • The team capatin and co-captain must high-five participants at the start and the end of the race.  High-fiving at hydration stations is optional.
  • Teams must join hands to cross the finish line.
  • Shared water bottles are allowed and encouraged.
  • In order to capture the best photos of the event, face masks are not allowed.

Registration Open

  • This is a Team Event.  No individual runners allowed.
  • All teams will consist of at least 11 individuals from different families.
  • Teams will be randomly created using RAG.*
  • Registration fee is tax deductible.**  


*Race Algorithm Grouping(tm) places runners together based on where they live.  The further away their houses, the more likely they will be on a team.

**Hey why not the rules don't seem to apply to anyone or anything anymore.

Registration Opening Soon

Coming soon to a state near you!

Check back as final race preparations are underway in these states:
  • Wisconsin
  • Florida
  • Georgia
  • Michigan (delayed)

If you don't see your state listed, we recommend traveling to a state that has a race scheduled.

Discounts offered for registrations in multiple states.